Vision Statement
The General Plan is intended to guide the City’s actions through the year 2035, the horizon year of the General Plan. Through the year 2035, the City of Vacaville will continue to preserve and enhance the qualities that make it a great community in which to live, work, and play. Drawing on its many strengths, the City will grow in a manner that provides a high quality of life for all current and future residents and employees. In the coming years, Vacaville will:
- Preserve its “small town feel” by continuing to be a family-friendly city.
- Promote a balance of high-quality housing and commercial development within the Urban Growth Boundary.
- Support existing businesses while attracting new businesses, particularly those that reflect community aspirations.
- Foster community-oriented neighborhoods that are diverse, attractive, safe, walkable, and affordable.
- Maintain its unique character by preserving historic and cultural resources.
- Meet the transportation challenges of the future, so that people can travel safely and conveniently on foot or by car, air, bicycle, and transit.
- Emphasize and protect natural and scenic features, such as open spaces, ridgelines, and creeks that define Vacaville’s setting and atmosphere.
- Ensure that development adheres to basic principles of high quality design.
- Continue to strengthen Vacaville’s Downtown culture and identity, supporting a vibrancy that will draw residents and visitors to the Downtown.
- Protect Vacaville’s unique identity through the preservation of agricultural lands and the creation of new park and open space lands.
- Protect public health, safety, and the environment by taking steps to reduce noise and air pollution, conserve water and energy, and prepare for natural and man-made disasters.
- Continue to provide beautiful parks, exciting cultural and recreational amenities, and civic institutions that inspire community pride.
- Encourage and support high quality schools.
- Enhance the cultural environment in the city by promoting the arts and cultural activities.
- Welcome people from all backgrounds, ages, income levels, and physical abilities and invite them to become integral, long-term members of the community.
- Promote the health of Vacaville’s residents by providing a safe environment and increased opportunities for physical activity.
- Look ahead to plan for expected population growth and allow landowners to maintain economic use and value of their property.