Vacaville, CA
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650 Merchant Street
Vacaville, CA 95688
(707) 449-5140
Building Division
(707) 449-5152
Email Building
Building Inspection Line
(707) 999-7113
Planning Division
(707) 449-5140
City Gateways
The Vacaville Gateways Master Plan is the City’s official statement as to how the concepts in the City Gateways Plan should be applied to Vacaville’s freeway corridors. It has been adopted by the Vacaville City Council as a guide to coordinate the public and private improvements that will occur along Interstates 80 and 505 so that they ultimately result in a “unique and memorable visual experience.”
In 2021, between approximately 155,000 and 208,000 vehicles traveled through Vacaville on Interstates 80 and 505 on an average day. The view that these travelers see from these freeways determined their perception of the City of Vacaville. For residents, it affects how we feel about our hometown. For many people who do not visit our City regularly, this perception of Vacaville is reality. This perception also helps to shape their individual, economic decisions that affect this community.
The Vacaville Gateways Master Plan contains policies to help define and implement the design ideas incorporated into Appendix A: Design Sheets. During the development review process, new development projects along the freeway will be reviewed for compliance with the provisions of the Vacaville Gateways Master Plan.