3D Printing In A Fun & Exciting Way
3D printing is the construction of a three-dimensional object from a CAD model or a digital 3D model. Join us for an enriching fun learning session to understand the basics of 3D printing. The classes will be done ONLINE! Students will learning 3D Printing at the comfort of their home.
Movie Making With Scratch
Scratch is a great language recommended for beginners in coding. It allows you to create animated and interactive stories, games, and movies. Topics covered in this class will teach students the introduction of Scratch, the fundamentals up to creating their own animations.
Coding4Kids: Python/Scratch
Coding4Kids will equip students to the most in/demand job in the market today- Coding Skills! Students will be learning the basic of easy programming language, Python, and Scratch. The classes will be done ONLINE!
How to Build you own Website
Ever wonder how websites are created? Why not create your own with this How To Build Your Own Website class. Website is the easiest and quickest way for an organization to increase its credibility. Today, users expect a lot out of a web page. It should load fast, expose the desired service, and be comfortable to view on all devices from desktop computers to tablets and mobile phones. Here's your chance to create your won. This class is designed to help students understand how websites are created, and how it works. The classes will be done ONLINE!